
Integrating Your Zero Party Data With Klaviyo For Segmentation

by Micah Elerson

Integrating Your Zero Party Data With Klaviyo For Segmentation

As Klaviyo’s elite tech partner for post-purchase surveys, Fairing knows a thing or two about enriching your favorite retention platform with proprietary zero party data. And in a few minutes, you’ll know it too.

First: Why Bring Zero Party Data Into Klaviyo?

It’s vital for eCommerce brands to appreciate just how impactful a communication platform like Klaviyo can be in a direct-to-consumer model. Personalization is Klaviyo’s superpower, and if you want to turn that into an advantage, you need to know more about your customers than your competitors and media platforms do. For that, you’ll need zero party data .

Via Klaviyo’s analysis , DTC brands who properly segment their customer lists see 3x the revenue vs. simply engaging with a master list. What does “proper” segmentation look like? Klaviyo’s recommendation is to maintain lists that target 5% of your customer base.

That’s quite a few distinct groups within your master list — and if you’re just targeting characteristics like gender, age, or product category, remember your competitors will target the same customer on that exact same criteria. The way to get separation is by leveraging your direct-to-consumer model: surveying your customers so they can self-segment through zero party data.



Consider the competitive advantage of advanced Klaviyo segments like these below, keeping in mind there’s often no way to gain this information other than to ask your customer directly (which is exactly what makes Fairing your growth hack for personalization):

  • Buyers vs. users : which customers are actually going to use your product, and which are gifting it to a user you don’t have access to?
  • Brand spend vs. category spend : which customers have tapped out their category spend on your brand, and which are larger category spenders you can turn into loyals?
  • Unique selling propositions : which customers adore your styles & brand experience, and which rely on you for quality & reliability?
  • Demographics x important dates : which customers have winter birthdays in cold weather climates, and which have summer birthdays in warm weather climates?
  • Triers vs. competitive conquests : which customers are trying this kind of product for the first time, and which have experience with a particular competitor’s product?

And don't forget, you can get additional touch points by sending your Question Stream via email, as instructed by one of our agency partners, Electriq:

All of this is zero party data at its best. And as positive reinforcement, it’s always good to remember that traditional retail brands often spend more than your entire marketing budget for this kind of advanced “persona” consumer research — which they can’t even apply to 1:1 marketing initiatives.

*Fairing allows us a much deeper personalization of our email marketing… and so far we’ve seen amazing results using survey responses to speak to our customers in a personalized way.

  • Taylor Sicard, Homesick Candles

Integrating & Activating Your Zero Party Data For Segmentation

Since this is the how-to portion, let’s cover the payoff first: with just a few clicks, your Fairing zero party data can build Klaviyo segments and campaigns that look like this:



The steps to reach this point are so simple, we’re going to speed-run through it under the assumption you’re not yet a Fairing customer:

  1. Sign up for Fairing (free for 14 days, with projected ROI often coming on day 1).
  2. Use our Question Bank to quick-launch a best-practice segmentation question.
  3. Go to Fairing’s Integrations tab and connect Klaviyo using your API key .

The entire setup process might take 15 minutes, and from that point, you'll be ingesting real-time zero party data in your Klaviyo activity feed & custom properties:



To activate this data as a proprietary customer segment, the steps are just as easy:

  1. In Klaviyo, go to Lists & Segments .
  2. Name a new segment based on zero party data criteria: e.g. if you’re using the “ How would you describe yourself? ” question and one of your responses is “Hobbyist”, name the segment “ Hobbyists ”. Some larger brands choose the format “ Hobbyists (Fairing) ” to keep all their marketing staff abreast of the data source.
  3. Select What someone has done (or not done) under Select a Condition , and find the relevant Fairing variables you’re segmenting on.

From here, you can create all the flows you like in Klaviyo, most of which will now be powered by knowledge that only you and your customer have.

Building A Segmentation Mentality In Your Org

Actionable personalization and 1:1 conversational marketing is all about feedback loops, and to that end, becoming an expert is less about implementing ad hoc growth tactics and more about developing a listener’s mentality.

One of our favorite mental models to exercise your listening muscles is the Known-Unknowns Matrix . When the guiding light of zero party data is hearing what your customers have to say, the brands who truly excel at personalization know what they don’t know, and fill that gap with direct from customer input.

If you’re a Klaviyo user who hasn’t deployed Fairing to enrich your segmentation data, we’ll gladly offer you a personal product demo . You’re about twenty minutes away from a proprietary data advantage.

Want to learn how to set up your post-purchase survey for your brand? Read more here.

 Ready to better know your customers?

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