
Integrate Your Fairing Zero Party Data As A Source In Segment

by Micah Elerson

Integrate Your Fairing Zero Party Data As A Source In Segment

Many DTC brands operating at scale leverage Segment as their single source of truth (SSoT)—it’s where operators can trust they’re seeing the full 360° customer profile. Of course, brands at this scale are also racing to gather and integrate zero party data on their customers, and we’re happy to help address both of those needs with our Fairing x Segment integration .

Why Ground Truth Data Is Crucial To A 360° Customer Profile

Anyone who uses Fairing to fill the gaps of dark attribution , or as a second opinion against ad platforms grading their own homework, knows why ground truth data sets are important — no matter how much weight you ascribe to such data in any given model, you can rest assured it’s bringing a reality check to every projection and assumption it touches. In this way, ground truth data is a best practice in addressing unknown-knowns and known-unknowns at all levels of your business.

Of course, all the above becomes a significant competitive advantage when the ground truth data is your own customers’ zero party data— the 1:1 insights they’ve willingly shared with you and only you, housed in your very own CDP. As part of a customer profile, Fairing’s Question Stream™ offers blue sky data points: whatever you want to know about your customers, you can find out through Fairing, and make it part of your 360° customer profile.

How The Fairing x Segment Integration Works

Our Segment integration enables enterprise brands to fold Fairing response data into their customer profiles. The integration creates a source in Segment, which sends track events whenever a consumer responds to a question.

With Fairing’s tracked events in Segment, you can now create or enrich your audiences and customer journeys. See our support docs for additional guidance , or contact us with any questions around optimizing your Fairing x Segment integration.

If you’re not yet a Fairing client, but looking to add zero party data to your customer profile, schedule a demo here.

Want to learn how to set up your post-purchase survey for your brand? Read more here.

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