
Feature Highlight: Custom Success Message

by Bryan Teo

Feature Highlight: Custom Success Message

How a Custom Success Message helps your brand

There are many factors that’re pivotal to building a successful brand. One of, if not the most important factor, is to build a strong positive relationship with your customers.

Customers like to feel appreciated for spending their hard-earned money at your business. And as a customer yourself, I’m sure you can understand why. A purchase at your store is much more than just a mere transaction. People work tirelessly to earn their cash, and they make the choice to essentially spend that effort on your products.

This is why customer appreciation, the act of recognizing a customer’s value, is so important. This is critical in keeping your customers happy.

From a business perspective, this could be the fine detail that makes them want to return to your company time and time again. As a result, you’re bolstering your customer retention rates, recurring revenue or lifetime value, which are important metrics for business growth.

Measuring the effectiveness of a Custom Success Message

Recurring revenue models bring a certain stability around predicting your future revenue. Having regular cash flow means you’re better able to plan for payroll, investment and resource allocation.

Due to this regular cash flow, you also are provided a safety net. This net includes regular income, the ability to conduct market research based on the insights you have from returning customers, and identifying your top products.

This is a key metric that businesses need to keep an eye on. It acts as an indicator for the business’ growth, and can be used as a baseline in complex calculations for future revenue projections.

Alternatively, you could also see your lifetime value (LTV) grow over time. LTV is an estimate of the average revenue that a customer will generate throughout their lifespan as a customer.

Rather than looking at the value of individual transactions, this value takes into account all potential transactions to be made during a customer relationship timespan and calculates the specific revenue from that customer. Your business can use this data to save money, stop attrition, find your best customers, and more.

LTV matters because it helps your business better understand your current customer base and who you should target to maximize profits. It’s more difficult and expensive to gain a new customer compared to keeping an existing customer. So, companies that focus on increasing the LTV of each one of their customers can boost results while lowering costs.

Not only that, but it could also improve your Net Promoter Score (NPS). It is a common metric used in customer experience programs. An NPS score measures customer loyalty by looking at their likelihood of recommending a given business.

This is where they’re more encouraged to sing praises about your brand to everyone they know. This can potentially generate new business for you. Even small gestures can go a long way toward showing your customers you appreciate them, which will make them want to come back for more.

There are various ways to measure NPS, and one would be with post-purchase surveys. At Fairing, we understand the importance of NPS and have an NPS Analytics feature specifically designed for its measurement.

How Fairing helps you write these messages

At Fairing, we want to help you grow your business. With our features, we put ourselves in the shoes of an eCommerce merchant like yourself.

Inside Fairing, after you’re done creating your stream of questions, leave your customer with a positive message in the Success Message text box at the bottom of your Question Stream. This message can come in any way you want, or any way you find suits your business best.

One way you can do this is to leave them with a simple "Thank you for your answer!". A short and simple thank you message like so could go a long way in helping your customers feel appreciated.

Custom HTML

Alternatively, our success message input field also supports raw HTML. This allows you to add links, images, and more to suit your needs. This is where you can link your company's instagram account, blog, or even new products to help bolster your growth where possible.

If you're looking to get started with a custom success template, you can copy and paste the markup attached in our doc into your admin's Success Message settings.

Use-case #1

Let’s say your business is on Shopify and primarily sells backpacks. You are a medium-sized business with decent funds and a sizable customer base, but are constantly looking to scale up.

From your post-purchase surveys and asking “How did you hear about us?”, you find that a lot of your customers are purchasing for the first time. The number of returning customers pale in comparison. This is presenting a large untapped customer base for your business as your recurring revenue numbers are lacking.

You currently are in the process of rolling out different campaigns to try and flip that around. One such campaign is in influencer marketing. You have a schedule in place, and are arranging for these influencers to post about your brand.

This is where implementing a custom success message could be a key turning point.

As you previously had no message whatsoever, you decide to add one inside Fairing. Your message first includes a thank you message to welcome your customers to your brand and community. This is a way for your brand to finally show some appreciation.

Not only that, you use the custom message to bolster your incoming campaigns. With your custom HTML, you link all the social media pages of your brand inside the message. This is an easy call-to-action to get customers to view your pages, and see the endorsements being made by influencers they know.

Use-case #2

Custom success messages can also be used to drive survey response rates.

Inside your custom message, you can include a message promising incentives like discount codes upon survey completion. With such incentives, your customers will be more compelled to take the time to answer your post-purchase survey questions. They have the added motivation of getting something in return and are thus more likely to complete the survey.

This enables you to get higher quality and quantity of data. The better the data, the more accurate the attribution. This is on top of Fairing’s statistics for the average Fairing client, where at least 60% of customers respond to post-purchase surveys.

Want to learn how to set up your post-purchase survey for your brand? Read more here.

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