
Shopify Flow: Integrating Fairing with Rivo Loyalty To Improve Customer Loyalty

by Bryan Teo

Shopify Flow: Integrating Fairing with Rivo Loyalty To Improve Customer Loyalty

Using Shopify Flow

Shopify Flow is a free application created by Shopify inside the app store. It empowers you to build custom automations that help you run your business more efficiently.

You’ll be able to create unique workflows without needing to code. This gives you more time to focus on growing your business.

Inside Flow, you can connect your apps together to complete even more jobs, and can support nearly any task you can think of. Learn all about it in our Quick Guide to Shopify Flow.

The workflow can be broken down into 3 main parts: a trigger, condition, and action.


Workflow triggers are events that cause a workflow to run. In Flow, this will be an event that occurs in your workflow’s repository. You will establish this trigger in your set up.


You can use conditions on workflow initiation, actions, and transitions. This is to give more specificity and personalization to your workflows.

Conditions can be a variety of things such as basic field/value comparisons, expressions, or formulas. You use conditions to restrict for whom or when a workflow initiates or actions and transitions execute.


Actions are the steps the workflow performs to complete a process.

You add the actions to define what you want the workflow to do. A workflow can include as many actions as you need, and to a variety of different applications inside Shopify Flow.

What is Fairing?

Fairing is a Shopify Plus Certified post-purchase survey (PPS) for marketing attribution that gives you actionable consumer insights. Businesses can harness real-time, zero-party data with survey responses provided directly from your consumers.

You can deploy survey questions inside your post-purchase experience, append each response to your customer’s order data and use the insights across your marketing stack. By simply creating a "How did you hear about us?" attribution PPS, your business stands to greatly improve your marketing ROI.

Fairing is also fully adapted to Shopify’s Checkout Extensibility upgrades—designed to enhance Shopify Checkout's speed, security, and customizability. This was followed by a deprecation of checkout.liquid and third-party scripts. These changes to Shopify Extensions enable merchants access to no-code customizations and to create bespoke checkout experiences.

What is Rivo Loyalty & Referrals?

Rivo Loyalty & Referrals is a powerful Shopify app designed to help eCommerce businesses increase customer retention and drive growth through personalized loyalty and referral programs. The application allows merchants to create tailored rewards systems that incentivize customers for repeat purchases, referrals, and other engagement activities.

By offering points, discounts, and exclusive offers, Rivo helps businesses turn one-time shoppers into loyal customers who advocate for the brand. The platform’s user-friendly interface and seamless integration with Shopify make it accessible for businesses of all sizes.

With Rivo, merchants can easily track and manage customer rewards, gaining valuable insights into customer behavior. This enables businesses to enhance customer relationships, increase customer lifetime value, and ultimately boost revenue. The value of Rivo lies in its ability to foster customer loyalty and word-of-mouth marketing, which are essential for sustainable growth in the competitive eCommerce landscape.

Setting it up

  1. The first step is making sure you have signed up, downloaded, and set up the relevant applications in the app store. This includes: Shopify Flow, Fairing, and Rivo.
  2. Inside your store, go to your applications and go to Flow.

Figure 1: Setting up your Fairing Trigger

  1. Once inside, select “Create workflow”. On the next page, select “Select a trigger”. For Fairing, we currently only have one operational trigger: “New survey response”.
  2. At this point, you’ll be in Flow’s workflow screen. Here, search for Fairing and select “New survey response” as your trigger.
  3. If need be, set conditions that suit your workflow (this is optional).

Figure 2: Setting up your Rivo: Loyalty & Referrals Action

  1. Thereafter, we set the final action. Once clicked, search for ‘Rivo: Loyalty & Referrals’. This will allow you to select one of Rivo’s actions:
    1. Add Points—Add loyalty points to a customer for anything
    2. Add Points for a Custom Action—Only use this if you have a Custom Action set in the app. This will trigger the points to be awarded to the customer for the Custom Action.
    3. Add Points for a Review—Add points for a review. Automatically hooks up to your review setup in the app.
    4. Add Store Credit for a Custom Action—Only use this if you have a Custom Action set in the app. This will trigger store credit to be awarded to the customer for the Custom Action
    5. Add Store Credit for a Custom Action—Only use this if you have a Custom Action set in the app. This will trigger store credit to be awarded to the customer for the Custom Action
    6. Update Customer VIP Tier—Set a Customer's VIP Tier
  2. Once that has been done, add variables (also known as environment values) to give your workflow data to work on.
  3. And voila, your workflow has been created.

Using Fairing to Rivo: Loyalty & Referrals for your business

Fairing’s PPS questions spread across 5 categories—attribution, personalization, research, conversion rate optimization (CRO), and net promoter score (NPS). For this integration, we list some possible (but not exhaustive) use cases below:

Net Promoter Score (NPS)




New survey response

If customer is a detractor

Give X loyalty points and rewards to incentivize them to purchase from you again

New survey response

If customer is passive

Give 2X loyalty points

New survey response

If customer is a promoter

Give 1.5X loyalty points

New survey response

If customer is a promoter

Boost customer to higher VIP rewards program to thank them for being supportive of your business





New survey response

Customer lists an issue with CRO

Add store credit to customer





New survey response

Customer answers that they switched over from competitor brand

Add store credit to customer

New survey response

Customer answered the question of "How would you describe the affordability of our products?" as not affordable

Add store credit to customer

Explore Fairing's B2B SaaS solutions for eCommerce to see how we can help your business thrive. Book a demo today, or check out our 1-minute product demo to learn more!

 Ready to better know your customers?

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