
Boost Your Store's Performance With The 9 Best Shopify Apps

by Micah Elerson

Boost Your Store's Performance With The 9 Best Shopify Apps

For Shopify brands who have hit their growth stride, the vast array of options available to help accelerate that growth can be overwhelming. But in truth, there are a handful that work in sweet harmony to level up your business and deliver a higher rate of operational productivity.

To get you started, we’ve amassed a key list of the best 9 Shopify apps that build on each other. By leveraging the unique features of these apps, you can streamline your workflows, increase customer engagement, and scale up both sales and margins. We’ll cover these apps:

  1. Klaviyo
  2. Fairing
  3. Rockerbox
  4. Peel Analytics
  5. Daasity
  6. Rebuy
  7. Wonderment
  8. Gorgias
  9. Junip

Klaviyo for advanced email and SMS marketing

Klaviyo is a must-have app for any ecommerce brand that wants to improve its marketing strategy. This email and SMS marketing platform is an official Shopify strategic partner, trusted by top brands such as Glossier, Osea, and Loeffler Randall.

Klaviyo helps ecommerce brands own their customer data and turn transactions into productive long-term relationships. Say goodbye to ineffective batching and blasting. With Klaviyo's suite of proven email and SMS templates, you can automate personalized communications like price drop alerts, friendly cart reminders, and just-in-time recommendations.

If you're looking to take your ecommerce brand to the next level with advanced email and SMS marketing, be sure to check out Klaviyo. Visit the Klaviyo website to learn more.

Fairing for direct-from-consumer data

By using Fairing, brands can obtain valuable customer feedback that helps them make better decisions, create more effective marketing campaigns, and ultimately grow their business.

With Fairing, ecommerce brands can leverage post-purchase survey data to understand what motivates their customers to buy, what they liked and didn't like about the shopping experience, and how the brand can improve. These insights can be used to identify trends and opportunities, as well as to create more personalized and targeted marketing campaigns.

Additionally, by connecting Fairing’s data to your tech stack you open up advanced segmentation opportunities, making it easy for brands to understand customer behavior and preferences at a granular level. This level of understanding is crucial for building customer loyalty, increasing repeat purchases, and improving customer satisfaction.

Interested in learning more about how Fairing can help your ecommerce brand? Sign up for a free trial today.

Rockerbox for advanced attribution modeling

Rockerbox is an essential app for ecommerce brands that want to optimize their marketing strategies. With Rockerbox, ecommerce brands can gain valuable insights into their marketing performance and measure their campaigns' success. This app helps brands track customer journeys across channels and devices, which can be used to optimize marketing campaigns and improve the customer experience.

Rockerbox's advanced attribution modeling capabilities help ecommerce brands understand the impact of their marketing campaigns on customer acquisition and retention. With this information, brands can allocate their marketing budgets more effectively and optimize their marketing strategies to drive better results.

If you're interested in optimizing your marketing campaigns and improving your brand's performance, Rockerbox is the app for you. Visit their website today to learn more and get started.

Peel Analytics for customer behavior and retention analytics

Peel Analytics is a necessary tool for ecommerce brands looking to gain insights into customer behavior and retention analytics. Here's why:

  • Peel Analytics helps ecommerce brands understand user behavior on their website by analyzing user interactions, page views, and clickstream data.
  • With Peel Analytics, ecommerce brands can create customer segments and track their behavior, which allows them to improve customer retention by understanding what drives their customers to make purchases.
  • Peel Analytics provides detailed reports on user behavior, including the most visited pages on the website, conversion rates, and bounce rates, which enables ecommerce brands to make data-driven decisions and optimize their website for better customer engagement.

If you're an ecommerce brand looking to improve your customer retention and gain insights into user behavior, Peel Analytics is the app for you. Sign up for Peel Analytics today and start gaining valuable insights into your customer base.


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Daasity for data architecture, analytics, and reporting

Daasity is an important app for ecommerce brands because it provides comprehensive data architecture, analytics, and reporting tools that can help businesses better understand and optimize their operations. With Daasity, businesses can consolidate data from multiple sources, including Shopify, to get a comprehensive view of their performance.

One of the key benefits of using Daasity is the ability to create custom reports and dashboards that provide real-time insights into business performance. This can help ecommerce brands identify trends, optimize marketing efforts, and make data-driven decisions that improve their bottom line.

Additionally, Daasity provides advanced analytics tools that can help ecommerce brands understand customer behavior and preferences, enabling them to tailor their marketing efforts and product offerings accordingly.

For ecommerce brands looking to better understand their data and make more informed decisions, Daasity is a powerful tool that can help drive growth and success. Check out Daasity and learn more about its features.

Rebuy for better conversion rates and customer retention

Rebuy helps brands create a more customized shopping experience that leads to better conversion rates and customer retention.

With Rebuy, ecommerce brands can leverage their customer data to create personalized product recommendations, email campaigns, and even dynamic landing pages. Its AI algorithms analyze customer behavior and purchase history to create highly targeted offers that are tailored to each individual customer.

By using Rebuy, you can create a more engaging and enjoyable shopping experience that leads to higher customer satisfaction and loyalty. Check out Rebuy and learn more and signing up for a free trial.

Wonderment for shipping and customer experience data

Wonderment is a great tool for ecommerce brands looking to improve their shipping and customer experience data. Here's why Wonderment is important:

  • Improve delivery times: Wonderment helps you quickly find stalled shipments and reveal patterns with your fulfillment and carriers. With this information, you can make informed decisions to improve delivery times and provide a better customer experience.
  • Gain insight into customer behavior: Wonderment provides valuable data that allows you to analyze how your customers interact with your store. This insight can help you identify areas for improvement and make data-driven decisions to boost sales.

If you're interested in Wonderment, be sure to check out their website for more information.

Gorgias for retaining customers and building brand loyalty

For online stores providing excellent customer service and support is crucial for retaining customers and building brand loyalty. This is where Gorgias comes in - a helpdesk and customer service platform that integrates with Shopify and other ecommerce platforms.

Gorgias helps streamline customer support by allowing brands to centralize all customer inquiries, including emails, chats, and social media messages, in one platform. This makes it easier for support teams to manage customer inquiries, respond promptly, and resolve issues faster.

Additionally, Gorgias offers powerful automation features that can help ecommerce brands provide personalized customer experiences. For example, Gorgias can automatically send personalized responses to frequently asked questions, order updates, and more. It also integrates with other ecommerce tools like Shopify, enabling support teams to access customer data, order history, and other relevant information to provide more personalized support.

Overall, Gorgias can help ecommerce brands provide exceptional customer support, streamline support operations, and ultimately drive customer loyalty and retention.

Interested in trying out Gorgias? Check out their website for more information and to sign up for a free trial.

Junip for collecting, managing, and displaying customer reviews

Junip is an app that helps ecommerce brands collect, manage, and display customer reviews on their website. Reviews are an important aspect of ecommerce, as they provide social proof to potential customers, build trust, and encourage conversions.

With Junip, ecommerce brands can easily collect and display reviews, as well as respond to customer inquiries and feedback. Junip offers a variety of customizable review widgets, allowing brands to showcase their reviews in a way that fits their brand aesthetic.

In addition, Junip offers review analytics, which provides brands with insights into customer sentiment, common themes in reviews, and areas for improvement. By using these insights, ecommerce brands can make data-driven decisions that improve customer experience and ultimately drive sales.

Interested in using Junip for your ecommerce brand? Check out their website to learn more and get started today.


The right apps can help enhance your Shopify store and improve your customer experience, sales, and marketing efforts. We encourage our readers to check out the apps that interest them and see how they can improve their Shopify store.

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