
Last Click & Discount Insights: The Latest Upgrade to Our Analytics Suite

by Isaac Lee

Fairing is dedicated to empowering e-commerce businesses with advanced analytics tools that provide actionable insights and drive growth. Today, we are thrilled to announce the launch of our new Insights analytics view, a significant enhancement to our platform designed to offer deeper, more comprehensive insights into your marketing channel performance.

quote image from cofounder of brevite for fairing insights

Easily Compare Surveys Responses to Transaction Data

At launch, this feature includes two new reports: the Discount Code Report and the Last Click Report, with more views on the roadmap. These reports join Question Stream response data available only through Fairing with last click and discount code data through Shopify or a custom integration, to provide insights on attribution, the success of marketing channels, and the potential for improvements to tracking and analytics.

If you’re relying solely on last-click attribution or discount code usage to measure channel performance, this feature is for you. Channels that may not look performant with those measurement mediums get a new light these new Insights reports. What we hope will be a huge win for anyone battling an internal measurement debate internally!

Here are some of the favorite use cases our beta testers have identified for the these reports:

Direct Traffic Deep Dive:

Direct traffic often signals broken tracking rather than genuine direct visits to your brand's website, making it a challenge for marketers.

The Last Click Report allows marketers to understand the sources of traffic and conversions by comparing direct traffic conversions to self-reported customer attribution data. This also helps marketers build better models (mental and otherwise) to reclassify or account for "direct traffic" conversions. This view is essentially a first vs last multi-touch model, with first click being your HDYHAU response!

Channel Performance:

Top-of-funnel discovery often happens on TikTok, Podcasts, Instagram, and more, but last-click data usually does not reflect that. In short, you’re going to see A LOT of conversions to channels like TikTok that are otherwise being categorized as Direct.

By comparing last click data against customer-reported attribution data, marketers gain a better understanding of how these channels contribute to conversions.

Discount Code Utilization:

The Insights tab allows you to analyze the effectiveness of discount codes across different marketing channels. Discount codes, often used in Influencer, TV, and Podcast advertising, typically cover a small surface area when identifying top-of-funnel performance.

We built a Podcast Multiplier Calculator to help you triangulate the true impact of your podcast ads, and this new report helps you take that reporting across channels, and to a whole new level.

By showing the proportion of customers using discount codes from various sources, this feature helps refine promotional strategies. Marketers can understand which channels are most effective for distributing discount codes and how these codes influence customer behavior and sales outcomes.

By incorporating AOV, this report also gives you a sense of the average discount obtained per code, and per channel, helping marketers identify potential changes and improvements to campaigns.

Discount Code Leaked?

The Insights tab also helps identify discount code leakage, which occurs when discount codes are used outside their intended channels. This can happen when codes are shared on coupon sites like RetailMeNot or Honey, or through unauthorized channels, leading to an over-attribution of sales to certain marketing efforts.

Another example of coupon code leakage: if that podcast “code” is coming up often with a different channel like Instagram, it’s safe to assume that code has been leaked and we’d recommend not relying on code redemption for performance.

By detecting and addressing discount code leakage, marketers can ensure more accurate channel attribution and optimize their promotional and discounting strategies.

Implementation and Accessibility

The Insights tab is now available to all Fairing customers at no additional cost and requires no extra setup. Simply navigate to the Insights tab within your Fairing dashboard to start leveraging these powerful new tools immediately.

The new Insights tab represents Fairing’s next big step in measurement analytics. It empowers merchants to gain deeper insights from their post-purchase surveys and optimize their marketing efforts. Try it today!


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