Zero Party Data

8 Best Ways to Collect Zero-Party Data

by Bryan Teo

8 Best Ways to Collect Zero-Party Data

Navigating the world of eCommerce data analytics is difficult—we understand that and that's part of our motivation behind building an industry-leading post-purchase survey.

Here in our blog, we’ve spoken about the different types of data and the importance of zero-party data in today’s technological landscape. So the next question is, what are the best ways for you to collect zero-party data?

Welcome back to Fairing’s eCommerce 101: The Ultimate Guide to Zero-Party Data. Here, we'll dive further into the realm and explore the top 8 methods of data collection.

Whether you're a seasoned marketer seeking to enhance your customer engagement strategies or a budding entrepreneur looking to better understand your target audience, our Ultimate Guide will equip you with the tools needed to harness the power of zero-party data effectively.

From interactive quizzes to loyalty programs, we'll talk about the top methods for gathering zero-party data directly from your customers.

Join Fairing on this journey as we explore the 8 best ways to zero-party data collection and unlock a wealth of valuable insights to fuel your marketing efforts and discover the transformative potential of zero-party data in today's dynamic and privacy-conscious landscape.

Interactive Quizzes

A quiz is one of the best ways for brands to collect rich zero-party data. One contributing factor to this is that it enables you to provide value back to your customer. This can be done by immediately recommending products, or by providing more general insights to quizzes that ask “What kind of shopper are you?”.

This can be of great value to your business. It will significantly increase conversions and average order value (AOV), as shoppers are more compelled to answer the quiz questions and provide insights.

The beauty of this is how you have the liberty to personalize your quiz how you like it. You can make it as interactive or interesting as much as you want to. Quizzes allow you to customize the information you’ll receive, so the key here is how your business thinks of new and effective ways of getting customers to answer your questions.

Post-purchase Surveys

One of the most preferred ways in the modern age, post-purchase surveys are another effective way to gather zero-party data. They are short and straightforward questionnaires posed to your potential customers after they’ve converted into customers (hence the name post-purchase). They consist of one or more simple questions.

These surveys tap onto a giant window of opportunity. As we all know in eCommerce, you’re never going to have your customer’s attention as much as you do right after they’ve completed their purchase. This is displayed in our data.

For the average Fairing client, at least 60% of customers respond to post-purchase surveys. The survey data you get would provide you the ability to gather actionable insights such as valuable qualitative insights directly from your consumers. You can get to know preferences or habits which would prove to be the key to unlocking your next marketing strategy and boost your business performance.

This would give you a glimpse into the intent behind the numbers, something you otherwise would have to assume or theorize about.

Post-purchase surveys are simple for both you and your consumers. With different questions, you’ll be able to gather information that could make the difference for your business. However, it is still of great importance to consider what kind of questions you wish to ask and what kind of information you want to gather.

Check out this list of the 24 best post-purchase questions to ask for more reference.

Conversational Pop-ups

Just because we’ve digitalized the shopping experience for consumers, it doesn’t mean that we can’t carry over some of the better traits from your regular shopping to our online stores.

With Conversational Pop-Ups, they are the eCommerce version of a retail check-in: are you finding everything all right? Can I help you find something?

They are a great tool for improving personalization and conversions without creating more friction in their customer journey. Not only that, with these Pop-Ups you’ll be able to ask one or two simple questions. This means that you can gather 1 or 2 more data points for each consumer scrolling through your store.

This would allow you to gather even more data than before. Simultaneously, you can target consumers at their awareness and consideration phase which could potentially sway them.


In a world where privacy is valued, incentives become one of the most powerful means to gather information from your consumers.

I’m sure many of you have partook in such an exchange, providing some of your basic information in exchange for the chance to win a gift card, an item that you really want, or maybe a large cash prize, with no guarantee of ever getting anything in return.

While this has a large initial cost-barrier, if you have the resources to hold a contest, it’s definitely an investment worth considering. Provide prizes that consumers, both potential and returning, would want. This could result in a pay-off of greater value as you’re more likely to receive more entries and get more data.

An important thing to note is that this isn’t the time to be parsimonious, as nothing would be worse than deciding to save on expenses and you end up with significantly fewer entries.

Personalized Email Surveys

Next on the list, send personalized email surveys to your existing customer base which are focused on specific topics or areas of interest. In these surveys, customize it to ask questions you want answers to, but still keep it short and simple.

By tailoring surveys to individual preferences or purchase history, you can gather targeted insights while demonstrating a commitment to understanding and meeting their needs.

The main caveat here is the need for your consumers’ email information so for businesses that are exploring zero-party data for the first time, this probably isn’t the option for you.

Another issue is that with emails, they typically have comparatively lower open and response rates as people aren’t inclined to answer their emails. However, it's possible that even with insufficient volume and distribution of the email, the responses you get can still potentially be significant enough. Hence, this still presents great potential ROI should you choose to pursue it.

Loyalty Programs

Customer loyalty programs provide a different dimension as a means to collect zero-party data. They are one that is dynamic, two-way, and potentially even one that can provide you more and more data progressively.

These programs offer your business the opportunity to develop a deeper relationship with your customers. It is one that they can trust and build brand loyalty towards.

Through these programs, not only are your customers benefiting from incentives such as early access to products or better deals, you will also be able to use your customer loyalty programme communication as a way of collecting zero-party data.

In The Drum’s Consumer Trends Index report, they found that 91% of consumers will trade personal and preference data in return for loyalty rewards.

So there’s no need to be coy here, customers who sign up for a loyalty program have already stated they’re open to sharing information and that they want to learn more. They want you to send them information and offers.

Use this opportunity to gather and send information to customers that have indicated interest, and learn more about them to be able to improve the depth of your personalization.

Interactive Tools and Calculators

Another method is to develop interactive tools and calculators that offer personalized recommendations or insights based on users' input.

These tools will not only provide value to users but also capture valuable data points about their preferences, needs, and pain points. These tools and calculators can vary from something simple to extremely complex, but what is important here is to develop one that actually works and would be of value to customers.

If the tool is good, it’ll naturally gather more and more traffic, and this could potentially be of value to your business - getting your business name known while also gathering data about consumers.

Physical Events and Workshops

Your business can also opt to hold both virtual or in-person events, workshops, or webinars where customers can engage with your business representative directly.

This will allow for more personalized interaction between your business and your customers, and could help foster better relations in the long run.

Use registration forms or interactive sessions to gather information about attendees' interests, challenges, and objectives. This would allow you to tailor future events and communications to their preferences.

Want to learn more about zero-party data for your eCommerce brand? Schedule time with us here.

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